Stuck in Neutral: Metro Mayor’s Paper Stalls to Get Public Transport Back on Track

On Thursday 12th September, MP and Metro Mayor Dan Norris’ long-awaited ‘paper’ was brought to the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) committee agenda. The paper, which Mr Norris alluded would provide a comprehensive solution to the region’s bus crisis, offers little more than suggesting a larger report is made and falls far short of the decisive action needed. After years of delays, an 8-page document - which is essentially a budget proposal -  falls short of addressing the core issues affecting bus services across the West of England.

A Delayed and Insufficient Response

WECA first promised a report on bus franchising in 2020, with a target delivery date of 2022/23. However, after repeated delays and reassurances that the report was “coming soon,” we were finally told to expect it by September 2024. When the “report” was finally delivered, it did little to provide clear or actionable solutions to the ongoing bus crisis.

Despite the pressing need for reform, the most recent paper suggests further investigation into options beyond franchising, such as enhanced partnerships or public ownership, rather than making a firm commitment. The public will now have to wait until 2025—nine months from now—before seeing any meaningful information is released, despite franchising being part of Labour’s mandate and included in the manifestos of the three major parties in the region - the Greens, Labour and Liberal Democrats.

Franchising: The Clear Path Forward

While the report proposes investigating alternatives, including enhanced partnerships, Reclaim Our Buses strongly believes that franchising is the only viable long-term solution. Under franchising, WECA would have the power to set routes, control fares, and reinvest in the system, giving the authority the ability to make the system work for passengers rather than private operators. This model has already been implemented in Greater Manchester, and committed to in Liverpool, South and West Yorkshire, proving that it can deliver real improvements.

The paper’s lack of a clear commitment to franchising is particularly frustrating given the growing evidence that enhanced partnerships fail to hold private operators accountable. Without the authority to make meaningful changes, any alternative to franchising will leave the region stuck with the same unreliable and expensive services.

Lack of Transparency and Accountability

This paper and the Metro Mayor’s correspondence not only lacks substance but also raises concerns about transparency. Many of the details provided could have been shared two years ago, and yet key information has been withheld. This ongoing lack of openness is deeply concerning, especially after WECA’s leadership repeatedly suggested that all data would be made publicly available and following their Best Value Notice (served March 2024)

At the WECA scrutiny meeting on 16th September 2024, public statements demanded full access to the information of Dan Norris and WECA. If the authority is serious about delivering real improvements, then it must be transparent about its decision-making process, including consultants involved in decision-making

Immediate Action Needed

The West of England’s bus system is in crisis, with routes being cut, fares rising, and services becoming less reliable. WECA’s passive approach and continued delays are only making the situation worse. The current reliance on short-term fixes, such as the costly Westlink scheme (currently costing £35 per passenger per ride), birthday bus pass scheme and gimmicks like covering buses with pictures of the Metro Mayor and his dog (costing the taxpayer £10,000), are not enough to solve the deeper structural problems.

While the Better Buses Bill promises to bring in national changes, it will take at least two years to pass through Parliament. This delay is unacceptable when the region needs immediate action. We cannot afford to wait any longer for a solution that should have been implemented years ago.

Reclaim Our Buses welcomes WECA’s interest in exploring public transport reform, but this latest report is far from the bold action the region needs. Franchising offers a proven model for success and is the only option that will deliver real accountability and improvements for passengers. WECA must act now to implement franchising, rather than wasting more time and public money on ineffective stop-gap measures.

The people of the West of England deserve better, and we will continue to push for the urgent reforms needed to fix our public transport system.

Emilia Melville, lead at the Reclaim Our Buses campaign, adds: 

“The West of England Combined Authority Mayor has a challenging role of fostering collaboration between four Unitary Authorities which have a history of competing with each other. Transport will only be functional if the Unitaries collaborate. Dan’s habit of publicly blaming the UA’s lack of trust in him and each other is not the approach of a leader who is building trust in a challenging context.”

Anna Mounteney, a regional public transport campaigner, also comments: 

"The lack of urgency in WECA's latest paper is staggering. After years of delays, the public deserves a plan with substance, not another round of vague promises. Bus franchising is the clear, proven solution, yet WECA continues to sidestep real action. This half-hearted approach won't fix our broken system—it’s time for leadership that puts passengers first, not private profits."


WECA Scrutiny Meeting (16/09/2024):

Agenda for West of England Combined Authority Committee Meeting Friday 20th September:

Paper on Bus Improvement Options (Agenda item 14): 

Best Value Notice - West of England Combined authority:  

Better Buses Bill: 

'Unlawful' bus ad of mayor and dog cost £10,000: 
Letter to Metro Mayor following mass Bus Cuts Scheduled for September 2024 (Aug. 24): 

Metro Mayor’s Response following Bus Cut’s Letter:

Open Letter to Dan Norris, Mayor of West of England Combined Authority: 

Election Express - Cross-Party Candidates Urge Dan Norris to Steer Bus Franchising: 

Open letter: Response from the Mayor: 

Rhetoric Won’t Fix the Bus Crisis, Mr. Metro Mayor! - Dan Norris's Response to Reclaim Our Buses Open Letter: 


ROB Response to Metro Mayor and bus cuts (Sept. 24)


Letter to Metro Mayor following mass Bus Cuts (Aug. 24)