Questions from ROB to WECA Committee (20/09/24)

  1. Can you give a detailed explanation of why this paper, which is a budget proposal not the promised report, could not have been put to the committee a year ago?

    Metro Mayor’s Response: If the Mayoral Combined Authority Committee approves the proposal for an assessment of bus improvement options across the region, then the development of a tender process for this work will be begin and Unitary Authorities will be engaged in the process in the usual Page 8 way. Regular updates over the time period of the work will be brought to the Mayoral Combined Authority Committee.

  2. While the Better Buses Bill is moving through Parliament, it will take two years to become law. Given the current state of transport in the West of England, this delay is impractical. What are local leaders doing to pursue immediate solutions, rather than waiting on bureaucratic processes - avoid using Bill as a scapegoat?

    Metro Mayor’s response: The development of a tender process will begin following Mayoral Combined Authority Committee approval in line with established procedures.

  3. Can you give a detailed timeline with milestones for how the scope for the proposed study would be agreed by all of the UAs before it is put out to tender, and the tender process itself?

    Will the consultants who carry out the proposed work be selected from the WECA Professional Services Framework, which names the following:  Aecom, AtkinsRéalis, Jacobs, Ramboll, Stantec and WSP, or will any additional consultants be eligible for this commission?

    Metro Mayor’s response:

    As Mayor, I am focused on making improvements to the region’s bus services and this work has already delivered significant benefits. The great success of Birthday Buses and the recent launch of more WESTlocals – designed and delivered in collaboration with local community groups – is proof of that. At the same time, the national debate on this issue is moving quickly and the Government is bringing forward new legislation aimed at giving greater control over bus services to local areas. This makes it a good time to commit the resources needed for a detailed review of our reform options. We must recognise that each area has unique challenges and therefore the required solutions will be different, and I make no apologies for taking the time to get this right.


Emilia Melville - statement to WECA Committee (20/09/24)


ROB Response to Metro Mayor and bus cuts (Sept. 24)